Software Architect - ID-2843

What is Jobot?
Jobot is a revolutionary recruiting firm who combines the latest in AI technology with our custom software, Jax, and partners it with Jobot Pros (experienced recruiters) to fill jobs and provide incredible service to our clients and candidates in the process. We are disrupting the recruiting space and have grown from 0 to over 500 folks in under 4 years!

Why join us?

This is an opportunity to join and help grow the engineering team at Jobot!

We build solutions using an approach that can be best described as a mix of Apple and Tesla philosophies. Every year, we launch a major version improvement to our core products. We use design life cycles to ensure our products are always using the latest technology. With each new product we build, we evaluate the technologies and design frameworks that have worked well and use their latest builds. The ones that haven’t worked as well, we find better solutions for. In this way, we are always innovating and are never stuck in “legacy code.”

Jobot’s company culture is incredible (just take one look at our Glassdoor reviews, our LinkedIn page, or any of our social media accounts)! As a company, and as a team, we will give you the ability to succeed in your role, earn a great living and... get this...take every other Friday off. Yes, every other Friday. So... that means you have 26 3-day weekends a year. Twenty-six.

Why? Because we like you. Plus, we believe in a culture wherein we foster mutual respect. You build great software and then…you take a 3-day weekend…every other week. Enjoy. You earned it.

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Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, No Experience, Evening/Night Job
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Data Entry, Remote, $42/hr, Evening Job, No Degree
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Data Entry, $40/hr, No Experience, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, No Degree, College Student Friendly
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Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, Weekend Job, College Student
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student

Other holidays? Glad you asked. We take off from December 23rd to the first weekday after the new year...usually January 2nd. Why? You guessed it, we like you. Plus, we like your family...and friends...and even your pets. So, spend time with your chameleon and come back refreshed and ready to go!

Partnership opportunity? We think you'll care more if we care about you. So, we do. As a partner in the firm, you are integral to our success.

Profit/Cash flow sharing? Why, yes, again! Our profit-sharing plan can lead to lifetime profit sharing into retirement. We want you thinking positive thoughts about us when you are 64.

Income? You will receive a lucrative compensation plan with room to grow into leadership roles. Bonuses and incentives abound!

Medical, Dental and Vision? We have executive level coverage – PPO Platinum Plan. We pay 100% of your personal premium and 50% for your dependents.

401k Plan? Yes!

529 College Fund Matching for ALL of your kiddos? Yes again.

If you believe kindness, respect and results are important attributes to a culture…Jobot could be a good fit for you. Apply and let’s chat! The Jobot Family

Job Details

3 Things that are Needed for our Software Architect job:

  • 10+ years of professional, full-stack software development experience in Golang, JavaScript, and React or Vue
  • 5+ years designing, developing, documenting and supporting custom API solutions, API platform management, and solutions integrations
  • 5+ years experience using relational databases such as Postgres or MySQL

3 Things You will be Doing as our Software Architect:

  • Supporting, planning, scoping and creating technical solutions for the new and existing product capabilities for Jax™️, our proprietary AI powered applicant tracking system (ATS)
  • Developing and maintaining all integrations between Jax™️ and our vendors and partners
  • Creating scalable frameworks around building and maintaining APIs and integrations

3 Things that are GREAT about our Senior Software Engineer job:

  • Create unique user experiences for recruiters and candidates, thereby making a big difference in the lives of everyone at Jobot and those they work with
  • Champion a culture of innovation and knowledge sharing that incorporates new technologies, experimenting with different approaches, and rapid development
  • Collaborate with brilliant software engineers, data scientists, and designers while having fun and being supported by the best workplace culture anywhere

More about Team SHIELD:

We are Team SHIELD (Software, Hardware, Infrastructure, Engineering, and Lifecycle Development)! Alongside our Advengers team (Operations), Superbots team (Support), and others, we help form the Guardians of the Bots! Our mission is to use intelligent technology to unlock human potential; in our candidate’s careers, our client’s missions, and our employee’s lives. We build solutions that help get people to work and allow our recruiters, or Jobot Pros, to be more effective. We have the ability, and the responsibility, to help them be more successful by giving them the best tools possible. This directly impacts their lives and the success of Jobot as a whole.

As a member of Team SHIELD, or Jobot’s Engineering Team, you will be working alongside brilliant engineers, data scientists, designers, testers, and technical supports. Together, we join forces to make the technology world go round at Jobot.

Local? Come join us at our beautiful Jobot House in Newport Beach, CA – right on the water! We have a hybrid model – working at the Jobot House + working from home.
Remote? Work from anywhere.

But wait, there’s more – we will set you up for success for your home office with:

  • MacBook Pro or Surface Pro Laptop
  • Custom Stand-up Desk
  • Dual Monitors
  • Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
  • Headset
  • $100 a Month to spend on your home office
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